Easy to Make Unicorn Slime That’s Mess Free and Safe
Kids are always raving about slime and unicorn slime will get them even more excited. I have one former student who set up a “slime station” in his mom’s kitchen. He used to write down all the recipes to take home after watching DIY slime video tutorials on Epic during free time.
Glitter slime is one of the easier (and cleaner) versions of slime to make. It only takes 3 ingredients and they are non-toxic which is another bonus.
Capturing a child’s interest will go a long way in helping them be engaged in a lesson. It’s also a great way to help them retain the information. Being part of the process places the information in their long-term memory bank way easier!
Glitter Slime and Science Standards
Before we get to the glitter slime recipe and directions let’s discuss how making unicorn slime fits into your curriculum. The states of matter are one of the main standards that are covered by a multitude of grades.
Understanding the difference between a solid and a liquid starts as early as Kindergarten. The process of identifying and classifying becomes more complex as children get older. By 3rd and 4th grade they are expected to predict what will happen if there is a change in temperature. Fifth graders are expected to predict what will happen chemically if another substance is added.
Making glitter slime fits the curriculum for all of these grades. Younger students will need more guidance and you can meet your standards by having them play with the slime and exploring it’s physical properties.
Older students will be meeting the science standards by measuring, observing, making predictions, and recording results.
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Hands-On Learning with STEM
Hands-on science has a huge impact on a child’s ability to understand the content they are learning. It’s always fun to “disguise learning” as play. We know they are learning…they think they are just having fun!
Making unicorn slime with your child or your students is a great project to add to a class unit of study or as a learning component to a party. Creating individual servings of this glitter slime would make great party favors or unicorn slime valentines with this fun unicorn box.
Integrating STEM lessons into your curriculum is a great way to meet your lesson requirements while engaging your students in math, science, and the language arts. Check out this post about “What is STEM” if you are unfamiliar with the term or would like to learn more.
If you would like a step-by-step STEM lesson on making glitter slime you can check out my resource in the shop.
The recipe and directions for this glitter slime are very simple and easy to follow. The step-by-step images below will walk you through the whole process.
Unicorn Slime Supplies
- 6-ounce bottle of glitter glue (this is the kind I used for this STEM lab)
- 1 1/2 TABLESPOONS of contact solution (I used a Bauch and Lomb brand…it has to have boric acid and sodium borate in the ingredient list to react with the glue)
- 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
Optional ingredients:
- 2 TABLESPOONS extra glitter to make it more shiny and sparkly
- 2 TABLESPOONS water if you would like a stretchier glitter slime
You will need 3 different bottles of glue and colors of glitter. Choose your favorite colors or the ones that make you think of unicorns if that is the theme you want.
1. Pour the glitter glue into a mixing bowl.

2. Add the contact solution to the glitter glue. The borax and sodium borate will start the chemical reaction that makes the glue into a polymer.

3. Mix the glue and contact solution to begin blending them together. Just a few quick stirs.

4. Add in the baking soda and mix again. If you want a stretchier glitter slime you can add water at this stage as well.

5. If you are adding extra glitter for more shine to your glitter slime you will add that in next.

6. Mix everything together until all the liquid and glitter are combined into the unicorn slime.

7. Once the mixture starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl you can take it out and knead it with your hands.

Repeat the process for your other two color choices.
Stretch out each glitter slime and lay them next to one another. Now you can twist or braid or swirl them together.

Store in an airtight container or separate out into little containers for sharing. I found some great containers at the dollar store work great or you can use food storage containers or condiment containers. If you are in a pinch or want to keep the cost down you can also use snack baggies.

If you would like a free page of Unicorn Slime snack bag printables, check out the member’s only resource page (you can access this by signing up for the newsletter).
Facts About Glitter Slime
1. Slime can also be called Oobleck, Gak, Floam, or Flubber (depending on its ingredients). It was first created by Mattel in 1976
2. Slime is a polymer. A polymer is unique because it has characteristics of both solids and liquids.
3. Polymers are like liquids because they take on the shape of their container. They can also be picked up and held like a solid. Gelatinous substances like Jell-O are considered polymers.
4. Polymer molecules chain themselves together. In the case of unicorn slime, it is the borate ions (the slime activator in contact solution is boric acid and sodium borate). They react with the PVA (polyvinyl-acetate in the glue) and together they form the cross-link or chain with each other.
5. A non-Newtonian Fluid is a fluid that doesn’t behave like a normal fluid. Glitter glue is this type of fluid. It has an unusual physical property such as flexibility or strength. Slime is stretchy which is what makes it fun!
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