Free Cut and Paste Ordering Numbers Worksheets

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Ordering Numbers worksheets help students learn the sequence of common numbers. This helps with number sense when they are working on addition and subtraction.

Students cut and paste the number tiles in the correct order on each line. 5 questions per sheet (3 tiles to glue).


Kindergarten Math Skills include:

  • identify numbers
  • counting on

Ordering Numbers Worksheet PG 5

Get the full set of worksheets by clicking the button below.

Common Core Standards for Math

Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals.

Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1).

Ordering Numbers Digital Lesson

Add some technology practice to your lessons as well. Students love the bright fun slides and think they are getting to play a game while they are learning Number Sense skills.


Missing Number allows students to identify the missing number by: counting on, counting back, understanding one more/or one less, use number order and understanding of number pattern to name a few!

Missing Number allows students to identify the missing number by: counting on, counting back, understanding one more/or one less, use number order and understanding of number pattern to name a few! Free Ordering Number Worksheets

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