Classroom Management with Brag Tags
Classroom management is essential to a healthy well-organized classroom. Rewarding your students for their positive behavior and working hard toward their goals has more impact than focusing on negative behaviors.
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Classroom Management Systems
There are a number of systems that you can use for offering positive incentives in your classroom.
- Class Dojo – digital format for giving students points for positive behavior.
- Classroom Economy – classroom money that is paid out to the students for good behavior that they can then “spend” on rewards.
- Brag Tags – small collectible cards that students earn and save on a necklace or binder ring.
- Clip Charts – charts that have red, green, and yellow sections. Name clips are moved according to the student’s behavior each day.
- Counting Jars – whole class reward system where marbles, fuzz balls, etc. are added as class points are earned.
My Classroom Management Plan
In my classroom, I use a combination of Class Dojo and the Classroom Economy as well as Brag Tags. It’s really a blend of the 3 that works really well for my students.
I pay them each week for their help in the classroom: class jobs, being good citizens, and behavior during specials and hall way transitions. I track their extra “money” points in Class Dojo and then we bank each week.
Brag Tags
Brag Tags are special. They are for moments that we are working really hard in the classroom. They are also for those moments that need celebrating such as learning a set of math facts, reaching a reading goal, or just having a really awesome day!
I keep my brag tags in a “tool” container. You know the one with a million drawers that you just want to fill with ALL THE THINGS?!
Last year I was one of those teachers that started out strong with brag tags and then let it slide about half way through. We got busy with other things and then we totally forgot about them for about 2 months.
Banking was more important because there was gum involved.
Change in Plans
This year I have a more formulated plan. My tags are prepped and ready to go (cut, laminated, and hole punched).
Have a set of 3-5 tags each week and make a note of them in my lesson plans.
Keep a list of students who earn those tags during the week.
Deliver the tags to each student as they are called for banking on Friday’s.
Collecting and Displaying
Last year I purchased a bundle of the beaded chain necklaces and created a space on my closet doors to display them. Even though they were in plain sight, we still forgot to add tags to them or wear them on Friday’s. If we did remember to wear them, it was sometimes a hassle to try to remind them not to wear them out to recess.
I have enough necklaces for this year’s class, but I am rethinking my strategy for collecting and displaying them. This year I think I will give my students a choice between a binder ring and the necklace. Some students don’t like to wear the necklace and might prefer the ring. It will also give them the option to attach it to personal belongings like their backpack or they can keep them in a pencil box without having them tangle. It will be an experiment 🙂
What’s your favorite classroom management system? Share it below in the comments.