New Classroom Makeover
I’m moving to a new classroom. For the past 5 years, I have taught junior high and high school art. This year I am heading back to the elementary school. I will be teaching the 3rd/4th combination classroom.
The classroom that will be my new teaching space was formerly the teacher workroom and a space for the speech therapist and paras to work with kids.
I’ve already spent at least 3 full days working to clean old bulletin boards off, decide where furniture should be placed (for now), and how I want the movement to flow through my room. My daughter has helped me spend too much money at the dollar store and cover a filing cabinet with contact paper. I started on a rolling library cart as well.
The Before Photos
Here is what it looked like when I started.
I will be adding more posts with some “in progress” pictures as I make some headway. And then the final reveal when I am ready to start the year! It’s exciting to be in a new classroom!
If you have links to some great resources, feel free to post them in the comments. I am starting fresh and want to get most of the design and foundation for organization completed before I start focusing on my lesson plans and long-term planning.
The classroom is looking GREAT!