A Quick Guide to Designing No Cut FlipBooks
These little books are AMAZing! I have always loved the idea of flipbooks, but I would get lost in the printing, cutting, and piecing back together of regular flipbooks. There always seems to be a ton of paper to keep track of and organize.
How Do You Start Making FlipBooks
A no cut flipbook template takes a little bit of planning to decide which content should be upside-down and which should be right-side up, but after that they are easy!
I’ve done the work for you and the flipbook template will show you what content goes upside down and which should go right-side up.
The other issue with a folding flipbook is making sure your content is within the space that will be shown. I’ve added guide lines to each section so you know not to put your content to close to an edge or it will be on a different page.
This flipbook template has enough for 12 sections.
Just print 3 pages front and back and go!
Design them in black and white so you can print them on colored paper, or you can design them with a touch of color that can be printed. It’s entirely up to you and what works for your lesson and classroom budget.

I have created a couple of no cut flipbooks for my classroom and shop. Now I have also designed a template and a class just for you.
What it Covers:
- How to plan your content.
- Where to find your digital resources.
- What the different parts of them template mean and how to use it.
A step by step video of how to use the template, add your content, secure it and make it ready to print and use (or if you want to take it one step further you can sell it).
The flipbook template provided is the same one that I used to create my “Life Cycle of a Plant” no cut flipbook and “Biomes and Food Chains” book.
If you are comfortable using PowerPoint (which is the format of the template) then this step-by-step guide will show you just how easy it is to create your own no cut flipbooks for your classroom.
You can use it to create a flipbook about any topic you want: math concepts, special holidays, science, social studies, STEM activities and more.
Reuse it.
Add your own special tweaks, style and clipart.
Related: Selling on Teachers Pay Teachers: 10 Steps to Help You Get Started
I would like to make the no cut flip books. Where can I see the video tutorials?
Thank you very much!