Blogging is a Great Side Hustle for Teachers

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Start your own blog with step by step directions. Grow your traffic and increase your sales by blogging and learning about content marketing.

Blogging is a great side hustle. Right up there with Teachers Pay Teachers. Truthfully, they go hand in hand. You can definitely make enough money to pay off debt, increase your savings, or free up the monthly budget with just one. Blending them together will help you increase your traffic and make more sales.

Blogging is a great side hustle for teachers to generate an extra income. Starting a blog as a teacher is one way to generate extra money and traffic for your Teachers Pay Teachers shop. Blogging for money is a way to create a passive income that allows you to pay off debt, save for retirement, or work at home while spending more time with your family.

*this post contains affiliate links, please read my disclosure for more information

Let’s talk about blogging first, and then we will tie blogging and TPT together.

Why Is Blogging a Great Side Hustle?

Affordable to Get Started

Unlike a brick and mortar store or an MLM, you don’t need a lot of investment to get started. You can get started for a few dollars a month with little other expenses. Blogs are easy to set up and you can have the foundation set up in an afternoon. It does take time and hard work on your part to build up your content and following, but I like to think of that as sweat equity.

No Tech Degree Needed

It used to be that you needed to know all about HTML and CSS to get a blog or website up that was halfway decent. Times have changed. You can install a theme here and a plugin there and create something beautiful with just a drag and drop interface that works perfectly. Clean code. No skilled coding expert needed (unless you really have an aversion to the techie side of things and then you can hire someone to help).

Something To Teach

This is the best part. We all have something to say and something to share. You have skills that the world needs. You might not think that you do right now, but honestly, it doesn’t have to be anything huge and earth-shattering.

Think about the things you search for on Google or Pinterest. How many times did you already know the basics and maybe you could have even added a few quirks or tricks to the information. That’s all it takes. Your own unique spin on your own unique talents. You have something valuable to share!

Peers and Support

Blogging is a great way to meet other like-minded teachers and entrepreneurs. I work in a very small district. When I talk about blogging or making resources for Teachers Pay Teachers, my small group of colleagues gets a glazed look in their eyes.

The blogging community as a whole is very collaborative. Teachers who blog are even more friendly and willing to offer assistance. Teachers by nature want to see you learn and succeed. That doesn’t change just because the platform is virtual. You will have teacher friends all over the world thanks to social media and the connections you will make.

Earn Extra Income, Passively

This is one of the main reasons that blogging is a great side hustle. Once you are established, you can earn a passive income without having to do any extra work. It’s very similar to Teachers Pay Teachers.

You will work your butt off in the beginning. Learning. Changing. Re-doing or adding to our content. Eventually, you can step away from it for a few weeks or even months and it will continue to generate revenue. There are a few different ways to do this.

First, you can use advertising to earn extra income. This might not be an option that you are fond of, but if you choose a network like Google Adsense, you can choose the posts and pages you place ads on and their location. Every time a visitor clicks on them or makes a purchase, you will get a small commission, without having to do anything after you set it up.

Second, you can sell a product. Directing traffic to your Teachers Pay Teachers shop will increase your revenue from selling our lessons. This is a great way to tie your TPT shop and blogging together. You can also create a digital product like an eBook or online course and sell it on your blog.

Start your own blog with step by step directions. Grow your traffic and increase your sales by blogging and learning about content marketing.

Lastly, you can become an affiliate for programs that you support and then add those links to your blog. When a reader clicks on the link it adds a “cookie” or tracking piece of code to the link. They make a purchase from the site you mentioned, and you earn a commission from that company or brand.

Work from Home

Work from home, or anywhere for that matter. The coffee house. Your in-laws. The beach. As long as you have your laptop and a reliable Wi-Fi connection, you can work on your blog. If you have an idea for a blog post, you can write it up while your travel in a car or on an airplane.

Later, when you get to a place with service or an internet connection you can finish off your post by adding links, images, and hit “post”.

This is one of my favorite benefits I think and why I think blogging is a great side hustle. I love having the freedom to get up, put in a load of laundry, drink a cup of coffee, and then start my day.

I’m more than happy not leaving the house. For days. I also love taking my laptop home to my dad’s and sitting in his yard while I work. It’s all about balance.

Flexible Hours

There is no set schedule that you have to follow when you are blogging for a side hustle. It is probably even better than working from anywhere. You can go use the restroom whenever you desire. More creative in the evening?

Write your posts after the kids are in bed. Have a whole morning to yourself (what is that?!) you can write as many blog posts as possible and then schedule them out over the next few weeks or months. This is a great feature when you have other demands on your time, like a full-time job or family obligations.

Learn to sell on Teachers Pay Teachers and start your own teacher side hustle.

Content is Number One

If you have a Teachers Pay Teachers shop, you can rely on the traffic that you get from on-site searches. OR… You take some of that traffic generation into your own hands and you start adding blog posts about your products. How do they work best in the classroom? What do other teachers have to say about them? Then post links to your shop and the specific product. Besides Pinterest, a blog is the next best place to generate traffic. Google likes content that is relevant. Having a blog gives you the platform for regular content and another source of traffic to direct where you need it.

Your Own Audience

Having a blog will allow you to start your own email list. This is the one “audience” that you own. Teachers Pay Teachers algorithms will change. Facebook and Pinterest algorithms will change. You don’t have an ounce of control over your audience on these platforms.

Starting an email list allows you direct access to people who are your true fans. If they like what you create or have to say, they are more likely to purchase from you later on. This is one of the number one suggestions for bloggers. It makes sense to grow a fan base that you can access whenever you want or need to.

There you have it. Nine reasons why blogging is a great side hustle. It is definitely not a get rich quick scheme, but at this point in life, I think we all know that those are almost non-existent. Setting up your blog can be done in an afternoon with a little cost up front. After that, it is mostly “sweat equity”. You need to put in the time and effort. It will be worth it.

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Blogging is a great side hustle for teachers to generate an extra income. Starting a blog as a teacher is one way to generate extra money and traffic for your Teachers Pay Teachers shop. Blogging for money is a way to create a passive income that allows you to pay off debt, save for retirement, or work at home while spending more time with your family.

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