Why Your Business Needs a Blog
We all want the sales. That’s why we have a business in the first place right? Business comes from traffic. All we have to do is generate that traffic. Direct sales seem the obvious approach. But that doesn’t really give your audience a reason to visit your site.

*this post contains affiliate links, see my disclosure for more information
Blogging is what generates traffic to your site. Your clients need to have a reason to return to your site, they also need to know why they should hire you beside you stating that “you’re the best”. If you can show your knowledge base that is much more effective.
You don’t have to write a post every day. Even an infrequent post here and there will help boost your traffic and your business. It’s easy to create blog posts and you can schedule them once you write them so they are posted during a prime time, that you might be busy doing other things.
The more content you have on your site the better your SEO (search engine optimization). You get a chance to be a little more human, your audience gets a chance to have a better connection with you and your traffic increases. What’s not to love?
Blogging is content marketing. Your business needs a blog to succeed. Below are the top reasons why.
Search Engines
Even if you don’t have a large audience you should still be blogging. It’s hard to write if you feel like you are talking to yourself (or if you are like me, you just keep doing it because you already talk to yourself *wink*). Your audience will never get larger if you don’t blog. Someday, there will be someone there to read your content. Promise. The live readers may not be there yet, but the non-live readers are.
Blogging helps your site in terms of SEO. This works even more if you create content that people want to link to because they found it so informative and helpful. Here’s how it helps. Blogging adds pages to your site. More pages mean there are more internal links pointing to the homepage of your site.
After you start to have more live people read your site, they will start to link to your site and share what you have blogged. These are external links and the SEO rankings like these even more. Content is a much better way to generate external links than products are. Regular blogging shows that you are updating your site, it isn’t just tucked away in the corner of the web waiting to die. This also improves your ranking. Who knew 🙂
Telling Your Story on a Marketing Platform
SEO is great. But an even better reason to blog is that you will create an audience who becomes repeat customers. Social media is great when you have a quick blurb or comment. A blog is where you put the really good stuff. The juicy details of your story. We are all emotional creatures who enjoy a good story. Show us something with words and pictures. Make us feel like we are connected in some way and we will remember that far longer than if you just tweeted a quick snapshot and comment.
Blogs Get You Noticed
If you are writing good content and people are sharing and reading that content then you will be more visible. People will start to link to you on social media sites (Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and this shows Google that you matter. They will boost your page up in the rankings which will bring more traffic to your site.

There are only so many creative ways you can share your “products” page or your “services” page on your Twitter feed before it really starts to look old and people unfollow you. Fresh blog posts, on the other hand, give your followers something to look forward to and you don’t feel like a pusher! If you want to drive traffic and generate sales then your business needs a blog!
Resident Expert
Blogging also allows you to create content that demonstrates that you understand your business and what makes it function. This builds trust and respect as well as giving you a more trusted authority relative to your competitors.
If you have a good piece of content, your post may attract attention from outside of your industry. You never know who’s reading and who will be the next to share your wisdom. Unless you are not blogging at all. If that’s the case then you know that the number of interested people will be zero.
Blog Post Ideas
Okay. Now I have you convinced that you should be blogging. But you have one more reason not to. You don’t like to write, you don’t feel you are very good at it, or you just don’t have the time. We have already established its value, so hopefully, you can find the time. Besides, if you have time to be plunking around on Facebook and Twitter then you have time to blog.
You don’t have to write volumes. A note here and there with a few nuggets of information are a great way to start. If you are still adamant that it’s not for you, there are a wealth of content writers out there or you can get an employee to do it. Pay your kid. Or your sister 🙂
Posts need to be regular but they don’t have to be daily. Once a week is fine. Just make sure that they are about topics that will interest your clients or audience.
One trick that I use is if it’s something that I am wanting to learn about I will go read a handful of articles about that topic, make a headline in my “notes” app and then rewrite what I learned. It’s a research paper for those of us no longer in English class. Or you can try some of the following to start.
- The story of how your business started.
- Your products. What are they and what makes them special.
- Tutorials for your products or that your audience will find useful.
- Announcements for a sale
- Company updates
- Something fun you found on the web (it doesn’t even have to be related).
- Interesting articles that you want to share.
- A weekly comic that relates to your industry.
- A top 10 list.
- Frequently asked questions with your response.
- How To’s
That’s a Wrap
Start out small. It will get easier once you get in the groove. Before you know it you will have a few years worth of posts and an audience larger than you might have expected. Feeling overwhelmed. I’m here to help 🙂
There you have it. Why your business needs a blog. If you would like to add to the reasons why leave a comment. Or maybe add to the list of things to blog about 🙂
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